living on the beach on the great barrier reef never hurt nobody?

Tuesday 25 October 2011

DTS - Week 1 - God's Faithfulness

G'day everyone! As you probably already know if your reading this, I am in Townsville, Australia at YWAM Reef to Outback doing a 6 month Discipleship Training School, and what your reading is my absolute first blog. I plan on keeping this page pretty simple though. I will post pictures and videos as much as possible to keep you up to date and in tune with what I am doing, the people I'm with, and all the great fun I'm having! So to start, I'm pretty excited about this post, because even though ive only been here for a little more than a week God has revealed to me some really awesome things and shown to me some of the awesome aspects of His character. To begin I really just want to shout my praise of who He is and how faithful He is. If you hear anything through my sharing today I truly pray that you would grasp how incredibly faithful God has been through all of this. Just getting here is a miracle in itself, the amazing way that God provided all of the first half of my tuiton, how flight rates dropped, air travel was all safe, it was all truly amazing. Even more awesome than that is now being here, and taking time to step back and look at the path that God led me on to getting here! It is so amazing to see that God's plan for you is not random but that He is leading you where He wants you to go even if you dont know where that is, all we need to do is step out in faith and follow Him. And whether we follow Him one state over or to the other side of the world it really doesnt matter because He has offered the same gift of life to us all, and every one of our callings is just as important in His heart as the next. So i cant say enough how blown away I am by His faithfulness and how comical my doubt and faith in things that aren't Him are. Its almost like as soon as things get tight I go, "Oh no! I dont have all the money i need!?! Surely God has forsaken me now, and surely this isnt something He has proven Himself to handle. So ill just run and try to do things on my own." I find it funny, but also very true, because time and time and time again God comes through and continues to wonder exactly what He has to do for us to have faith at the top of the mountain, AND the bottom of the valley. And so over the past 10 days thats what He has been teaching me. To truly own my faith and to not give up on Him because He doesnt give up on me. And its extremely awesome because as i let go of my fear and my doubt and worry He replaces it with strength, and peace, and joy, and ears and eyes to  more and more clearly hear His voice and the will He has for me on daily. On a final note my eyes have really been open to the beauty of having family in Christ. Ive come here to ywam (youth with a mission) where everyone in my school has the same desire to know and experience and share Christ in a way they never have before, whether they be students, staff, or administration each and everyone of us are family and are bonded by the love of grace of Christ and its SO awesome to see just how close we've all already become in just a week and a half. God is great, God is faithful, God is full of love, and its incredible to experience that in a new and exciting way. So wow i just wrote a lot, well if youve made it this far, thanks for reading, thanks for any prayer and support, and be blessed and open to hear His voice!

Cool Runnings

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this Eric!
    It was awesome to hear from you and see all that God is already doing in your heart and life by getting you to the place he wants you to be for this time. It's beautiful really. His plans are so great and unfathomable and five years ago, or even one or two years ago you would have never thought that you would be half-way around the world in Australia seeking out the Lord and what He most desires of you and your life. Keep seeking Him with all that you are, surrender yourself to Him daily, your desires, thoughts, actions, words and heart. He does incredible things with a heart that is completely and totally surrendered to Him, and I know you've already experienced that. Ahhh HE IS JUST SO GOOD. Keep thanking Him for bringing you to this place. "Today is not an ordinary day." - That's something Bethy once told me and it always stuck...write it down on a notecard and put it somewhere that you'll see every day. It's to remind you that each day, GOD has AWESOME things planned and we must join HIM where HE is working!!! Enjoy today :)
    I just realized I wrote you a book.
    Cool runnings!
